Axios, strategic consulting

Let us help you

Great results start with simple, small,
but well chosen beginnings

here are 3 good ways to
make that beginning

Taking Your Strategic Pulse

  • Short intensive review of strategy including organisation, competition, product and costumers: Provide tangible recommendations and improvement measures.
  • Reap many of the benefits of a full strategy audit at a fraction of the cost and time.
  • 5 day assignment concluding with presentation to group and discussion.

CEO Support

  • External perspective, neutral challenge and fresh ideas will help you undo blockages, provide impulse or assist groups through particular projects.
  • Unbiased, goal driven approach coupled with internal discretion and flexibility.
  • One-off assistance through to ongoing personal strategic guidance.

Helping you through your First Steps

  • Teaching you the first practical steps in strategy in order to allow internal strategy formulation, ongoing updating and management.
  • Low cost method of increasing internal knowledge base and confidence.
  • 1 to 3 day assignment according to desired level and number of participants.
